If you go away on this summer day,
Then you might as well take the sun away;
All the birds that flew in the summer sky,
When our love was new and our hearts were high;
When the day was young and the night was long,
And the moon stood still for the night birds song.
If you go away, if you go away, if you go away.
But if you stay, Ill make you a day
Like no day has been, or will be again;
Well sail the sun, well ride on the rain,
Well talk to the trees and worship the wind.
Then if you go, Ill understand,
Leave me just enough love to fill up my hand,
If you go away, if you go away, if you go away.
If you go, as I know you will, you must tell the world to stop turning
Till you return again, if you ever do, for what good is love without loving you,
Can I tell you now, as you turn to go, Ill be dying slowly till the next hello,
If you go away, if you go away, if you go away.
But if you stay, Ill make you a night
Like no night has been, or will be again.
Ill sail on your smile, Ill ride on your touch,
Ill talk to your eyes that I love so much.
But if you go, go, I wont cry,
Though the good is gone from the word goodbye,
If you go away, if you go away, if you go away.
If you go away, as I know you must,
Therell be nothing left in the world to trust,
Just an empty room, full of empty space,
Like the empty look I see on your face.
Id have been the shadow of your shadow
If I thought it might have kept me by your side.
If you go away, if you go away, if you go away.
دنیای «هیچ» دنیاییست پر از بومهای بدون رنگ، پر از کتابهای بدون نوشته، موسیقیهای بدون نُت. پیانوهای بیکلاویه. آسمانهای بی ابر. ابرهای بیبرف. خیابانهای بیجدول. وبلاگهای بیپُست. کافههای بی آدم. آدمهای بیهمدم.
دنیای «هیچ» دنیای بزرگیست. به وسعت همهی تهیگاههای آدمها. انتهایی ندارد. گم نمیشود. در امتداد قدمها پیش میرود و هرچقدر بزرگ شوی بزرگتر میشود و درست وقتی که به شوخی زندگی طعنه میزنی و دستاش میاندازی، درش را باز میکند و برای همیشه همانجا نگاهت میدارد. تنها نگاهت میدارد. دنیای «هیچ» یک دو نقطه خط حسابیست.